Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The KickPed kick scooter seems to appeal to everyone

We were a bit surprised at the quick pickup in sales of KickPed kick scooters almost right out of the gate. It took a few months to catch on but now our sales of these kick scooters have outstripped every other in the shop. It seems there is something about the KickPed that really get's people excitied, but what?

We think the minimal design and reliable construction have a lot to do with it but one thing we know for sure is that 90% of people who come into the shop to ride other kick scooters and then the KickPed find the comfort of the KickPed kick scooter so superior that they take it right on the spot. That's the beauty of the KickPed kick scooter's superior design.

1 comment:

  1. Kick scooters are a fun way for to get around and to express your creativity. This can be used instead of walking to the convenience and comfort.

    kick scooter
